Svelte vs React

October 20, 2021

Svelte vs React

Choosing a JavaScript framework can be challenging. Currently, two of the most popular frameworks are Svelte and React. Both frameworks have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we will provide you with an unbiased comparison of the two, to help you determine which one is best for your needs.

What is Svelte?

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that is quickly gaining popularity. It was created by Rich Harris and aims to make development fast and simple by compiling applications at build time. Svelte uses a different approach from other frameworks as it compiles the code during build phases making the overall file size smaller and allows faster updates. This is possible because Svelte is a compiler-based framework that compiles code into plain JavaScript at the build stage, and thereby reduces the overhead required by the framework to run code at runtime.

What is React?

React is another popular JavaScript framework maintained by Facebook. It is widely used for creating large-scale web applications that require multiple updates and changes over time. With React, developers can build complex and interactive user interfaces quickly and easily. React works by breaking an application into small reusable components which makes larger application easier to manage.

Comparison - Svelte vs React


Svelte is known for its superior performance as it compiles code during the build time saving time during the runtime. In contrast, React compiles code at runtime, which may cause a slight delay while the browser processes the code. With this difference, Svelte's applications take up less space than React-based applications.

Learning Curve

React has a steeper learning curve than Svelte. React has a larger community and a more extensive ecosystem, so it may take some time for new developers to learn the framework. Svelte, on the other hand, is relatively easy to learn and can be a good choice for beginners.

Community Support

React is maintained by Facebook and has an extensive community worldwide. React-based applications have a massive collection of libraries, plugins, and tools on different platforms. On the other hand, Svelte has a smaller community compared to React. However, Svelte's popularity is increasing rapidly, and its community is growing at a steady pace.

Mobile App Development Support

Svelte is primarily used for web development, but the framework can also be used for mobile app development. Svelte works well with popular mobile app development platforms like Cordova, PhoneGap, and Ionic. React, on the other hand, has React Native, which is a mobile app development platform with an extensive range of tools and plugins.


Both Svelte and React are excellent web development frameworks offering various features and benefits. If you’re looking for a framework with better performance, a smaller learning curve, and mobile app development support, Svelte might be the best option for you. However, if you’re looking for an established ecosystem with vast community support, React should be your pick.


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